Thursday, June 4, 2015

Welcome 2015 Participants

On behalf of the staff of Winston Salem Grand Western Tour, I would like to welcome you to the 2015 tour.

This Blog was created so that you and your family and friends will be able to experience the trip together!  The Staff will be posting, as time allows, during the trip.  Please keep in mind that the primary duties of the Staff are to take care of your children.  There will be times when internet connection is next to impossible, or that 'down time' between activities does not exist.

Two to three weeks after the students have returned home, we will mail you a picture CD that will include all of the pictures that have been posted on the blog. 

Packing tips can be downloaded from our website at under General Information.

Hold on to your seat because we are getting ready to celebrate our 51st year in providing a Trip of a Lifetime - one more time!
Glenn Jordan, Nathan Ziglar, Molly Riddle, Amber Wilson
Staff of Grand Western Tour